Utilise the vehicle your business needs with bus- or truck leasing. Have the option of eventual ownership at the end of the finance term. Also available for busses. VAT is claimable if the vehicle is used for income-generating purposes.

Truck leasing features and benefits

  • Bus- or truck leasing allows for use of the vehicle for an agreed finance period for which regular monthly payments are made.
  • The asset reflects on balance sheet.
  • Taking ownership is optional, however, in the case of a residual value the finance agreement can be extended at the end of the agreed finance period.
  • VAT is capitalised up front (VAT is handled differently for subsidised bus transporters).
  • The VAT is claimable if the vehicle is used for income generating purposes.
  • Deductible finance charges & depreciation.

It is the customers’ responsibility to obtain advice regarding the tax implications from qualified professionals.

MFS is an Authorised Financial Services Provider (FSP 27399) and Registered Credit Provider (Registration No: NCRCP 64).

MAN Financial Services in your area


We offer you customised financing, leasing, insurance and rental. Find the right contact partner in your area.

commercial truck leasing for business in South Africa


Utilise the vehicle your business needs with bus- or truck leasing. Have the option of eventual ownership at the end of the finance term. Also available for busses. VAT is claimable if the vehicle is used for income-generating purposes.

Truck leasing features and benefits

  • Bus- or truck leasing allows for use of the vehicle for an agreed finance period for which regular monthly payments are made.
  • The asset reflects on balance sheet.
  • Taking ownership is optional, however, in the case of a residual value the finance agreement can be extended at the end of the agreed finance period.
  • VAT is capitalised up front (VAT is handled differently for subsidised bus transporters).
  • The VAT is claimable if the vehicle is used for income generating purposes.
  • Deductible finance charges & depreciation.

It is the customers’ responsibility to obtain advice regarding the tax implications from qualified professionals.

MFS is an Authorised Financial Services Provider (FSP 27399) and Registered Credit Provider (Registration No: NCRCP 64).

MAN Financial Services in your area


We offer you customised financing, leasing, insurance and rental. Find the right contact partner in your area.

commercial truck leasing for business in South Africa


Utilise the vehicle your business needs with bus- or truck leasing. Have the option of eventual ownership at the end of the finance term. Also available for busses. VAT is claimable if the vehicle is used for income-generating purposes.

Truck leasing features and benefits

  • Bus- or truck leasing allows for use of the vehicle for an agreed finance period for which regular monthly payments are made.
  • The asset reflects on balance sheet.
  • Taking ownership is optional, however, in the case of a residual value the finance agreement can be extended at the end of the agreed finance period.
  • VAT is capitalised up front (VAT is handled differently for subsidised bus transporters).
  • The VAT is claimable if the vehicle is used for income generating purposes.
  • Deductible finance charges & depreciation.

It is the customers’ responsibility to obtain advice regarding the tax implications from qualified professionals.

MFS is an Authorised Financial Services Provider (FSP 27399) and Registered Credit Provider (Registration No: NCRCP 64).

MAN Financial Services in your area


We offer you customised financing, leasing, insurance and rental. Find the right contact partner in your area.